Ph.D., Environmental Science – 2016
Emphasis in Environmental and Wetland Hydrology, Hydraulics, and Biogeochemistry
Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
B.S., Environmental Science with a dual major in Chemistry – 2003
Emphasis in Hydrology, Hydrography, and Environmental Chemistry
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. |
Associate Scientist, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Research into wetland and surface water hydrodynamics and water quality, and watershed rainfall-runoff processes. Des Moines River water quality monitoring. Geographic information systems development and programming. Grant development and administration. Mentoring of graduate students.
Doctoral Candidate/Post/Pre -doctoral Research Associate, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
Research into wetland and surface water hydrodynamics and water quality, and watershed rainfall-runoff processes. Des Moines River water quality monitoring. Geographic information systems development and programming. Grant development and administration. Mentoring of graduate students. Taught and co-taught various courses in the Environmental Science undergraduate program. Iowa State University Environmental Science Graduate Research Fellow.
Hydrologist, New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Assisted with the development and analysis of large basin-scale surface water supply
and groundwater models. Developed a comprehensive water quality and hydrologic
database of the Lower Rio Grande Valley (New Mexico and Texas).
Water Quality Technician, Parsons Engineering, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Developed water quality sampling protocols. Collected water quality and material
samples for a basin-scale fecal coliform loading study.
Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code/EFDC_Explorer (DSI, Knoxville, TN) – Certified 2012
RiverWare II: Advanced River Basin and Reservoir Routing
(CADSWES, Colorado University, Boulder, CO) - Certified 2006
RiverWare I: Intro. River Basin and Reservoir Routing
(CADSWES, Colorado University, Boulder, CO) - Certified 2005
MikeZero and Mike21 (Danish Hydraulic Institute, DK)
WMS and GSSHA (Aquaveo, Provo, UT) |
ArcGIS and ArcInfo (Advanced), and ArcPro with emphasis on automation (using ArcPy) and water resources
Python, R, VBA (Excel and MS Access), and Matlab Scientific Scripting and Programming
Excel and Access Development and Programming
Advanced Scientific Computing and Numerical Modeling
Advanced Multivariate, Spatial, and Temporal Statistical Modeling
Grant Development and Technical Writing
Flourometry and Dye Dispersion Studies in Surface Water Systems
Advanced Contaminant Transport Numerical Model Development, Fitting, and Analysis
Extensive Knowledge of Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology, Hydrodynamics, Dispersion Processes
Extensive Knowledge of Environmental Biogeochemical Processes |
Physical Hydrology|Watershed Hydrology
Intermediate Engineering Hydrology
Open Channel Hydraulics
Environmental Flows and Fluid Mechanics
Hydrogeology|Groundwater Modeling
Groundwater Contaminant Transport Processes
Soil Physics|Advanced Soil Physics
Environmental Biogeochemistry
Wetland Ecology
Aquatic Ecology
Environmental Engineering Chemistry
Quant., Organic, Phys., Bio. Chem. Sequences |
Applied Water Quality Modeling
Ecosystems Ecology
Environmental Systems I & II
Classical Physics I & II
Calculus Sequence for Mathematics Majors
Differential Equations and Laplace Transforms
Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing
Numerical Methods for ODEs and PDEs
Time-series Analysis|Spatial Statistics
Statistics for Researchers|Experimental Design
GIS for Water Resources|Advanced GIS
Programming for GIS Applications |
Green, D.I.S., Crumpton, W.G., 2023. Depressional runoff cascade networks of the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa. JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 00(0):1-31.
Hall, S. J., Tenesaca, C. G., Lawrence, N. C., Green, D. I. S., Helmers, M. J., Crumpton, W. G., Heaton, E. A., & VanLoocke, A., 2023. Poorly drained depressions can be hotspots of nutrient leaching from agricultural soils. 00, 00– 00.
Zhang, J., Lu, C., Crumpton, W., Jones, C., Tian, H., Villarini, G., Schilling, K., Green, D., 2022. Heavy precipitation impacts on nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico in the 21st century: Model projections under future climate scenarios. Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF002141.
Mitchell, M.E., Newcomer-Johnson, T., Christensen, J., Crumpton, W., Richmond, S., Dyson, B., Canfield, T.J., Helmers, M., Lemke, D., Lechtenberg, M. and Green, D., Forshay, K., 2022. Potential of water quality wetlands to mitigate habitat losses from agricultural drainage modernization. Science of The Total Environment, 838, p.156358
Crumpton, W.G., Stenback, G.A., Fisher, S.W., Stenback, J.Z., Green, D.I.S. 2020. Water Quality Performance of Wetlands receiving nonpoint-source nitrogen loads: Nitrate and total nitrogen removal efficiency and controlling factors. Journal of Environmental Quality 1-10.
Green, D.I.S., McDeid, S.M., Crumpton, W. G. 2019. Runoff Storage Potential of Drained Depressions on the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 55(3):543-558.
Green, D.I.S., Crumpton, W.G., van der Valk, A., Helmers, M., Gelder, B.K., McDeid, S.M. 2018. Characterization of Wetland Depressions in Iowa and Their Potential Influence on Downstream Waters. Report to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Wetlands Development Program Grant #97754001
McDeid, S.M., Green, D.I.S., Crumpton, W.G. 2018. Morphology of Drained Upland Depressions on the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa. Wetlands.
Green, D.I.S. 2017. Assessment of the Effects of O’Shaughnessy Dam Removal on the Temperature Dynamics of the Upper Tuolumne River and Don Pedro Reservoir. Report to Restore Hetch Hetchy, Oakland, California.
Green, D.I. 2016. Environmental Factors Affecting the Residence Time Distribution Dynamics of Agricultural Wetlands. Ph.D. Dissertation. Iowa State University. Ames, Iowa.
Otis, D. L., Crumpton, W. G., Green, D.I., Loan-Wilsey, A., Cooper, T. and Johnson, R. R. 2013. Predicted Effect of Landscape Position on Wildlife Habitat Value of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program Wetlands in a Tile-drained Agricultural Region. Restoration Ecology.
Crumpton, W.G., Green, D.I., Loan-Wilsey, A., McNeely, R., Kane, K., Otis, D., Cooper, T., and Johnson, R. 2010. Assessment of Environmental Services of CREP Wetlands in Iowa and the Mid-western Corn Belt. Iowa Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Reports. 3.
Linking Agricultural Practices to Water Quality Improvement: The Importance of Scale in Accurately Characterizing Nonpoint Source Nutrient Loads in Iowa Streams. PIs: Crumpton, W.G., Chaoqun, L, Isenhart, T., Rehmann, C., Wilkinson, G., Green, D.I.S. Iowa Nutrient Research Center. Award Number 2019-15. July, 2019 – June, 2021
Impacts of Drained Depressions on Runoff and Nutrient Exports in Tile-Drained Agricultural Watersheds. PIs: Green, D.I.S., Crumpton, W.G., Stenback, G.A. EPA Wetlands Program Development Grant. Award Number 97770701. October, 2019 – October, 2021.
Assessing Patterns in Nutrient Transport and Loads. PIs: Crumpton, W.G., Stenback, G., Green, D.I.S., Iowa Nutrient Research and Education Council. December 1, 2017 – December 31, 2018.
Edge-of-Field (EOF) Practice Location, Performance and Feasibility Analysis: Strategically Located Wetlands. PIs: Crumpton, W.G., Helmers, M., Green, D.I.S. Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Award Number 17WQI-EOF-2. December 31, 2017 – December 31, 2018.
Morphology of Drained Upland Depressions on the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa and their Hydrologic Connectivity. PIs: Crumpton, W.G., van der Valk, A., Helmers, M. Gelder, B.K., Green, D.I. EPA Wetlands Development Program Grant. Award Number 97754001. October, 2015 – October, 2018. |
posters (*) and presentations (†)
†2019 American Water Resources Annual Conference Salt Lake City, Utah:
Runoff Storage Potential of Drained Wetland Depressions in the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa
†2018 Geological Society of America North-central Chapter Meeting Ames, Iowa:
Three Dimensional Simulation of the Temperature and Residence Time Distribution Dynamics of a Constructed Agricultural Wetland
†2018 EPA Region 7 Wetlands Development Grant Symposium EPA Region 7 Offices, Olathe Kansas:Morphological Characterization of Isolated Wetland Depressions in the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa
†2017 American Water Resources Association Spring Specialty Conference Snow Bird, Utah:
Morphological Characterization of Isolated Wetland Depressions in the Des Moines Lobe of Iowa
†2016 Dissertation Research Presentation, Iowa State University Ames, Iowa:
Environmental Factors Affecting the Residence Time Distribution Dynamics of Constructed Agricultural Wetlands
*2013 – 2015 Annual Environmental Science Graduate Program Research Symposium Iowa State University, Ames: IowaResidence Time Distributions in Agricultural Wetlands
*2006 Lower Rio Grande Salinity Conference:
Lithology of Deep Piezometers in the Mesilla Valley, NM 2006 Lower Rio Grande Salinity Conference